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(5833) Durst Ranch, Hop Pickers in their camp on strike, Wheatland, California
(5832) Durst Ranch, Hop Pickers in their camp on strike, Wheatland, California
(5831) Durst Ranch, Hop pickers camp, Wheatland, California, 1913
(4911) Hop pickers, Durst Ranch, Wheatland, California, 1913
(77) Little, Frank, Missoula, Montana Free Speech Trial, 1910
Exhibit — Bricks, Mortar and More
(9708) Unemployment Office Workers
(9707) Office Workers
(9706) Librarian
(9705) Highway Department
(9704) X-ray Technician
(9703) Laboratory Technician
(9401) Water Department
(7396) Local 79, picket, Detroit, 1963
(7393) Local 102, Christmas party, San Diego, 1946
(7392) Local 73, candy salesgirls, Chicago Retail Confectioners Association, Chicago, 1945
(7391) Local 73, African labor leaders, AFL-CIO African American Labor Center, Chicago 1971
(7389) Local 22, Off Track Betting, Sacramento, 1977
(7386) Local 1199NW, Jesse Jackson, Group Health, rally, Seattle, 1994
(7384) Local 1199NW, Swedish Hospital, demonstration, Seattle
(7383) Local 1199NW, members, Seattle, health care, 1992
(7382) Local 1199NW, health care, Seattle, 1992
(7376) Local 722, Children's Hospital, George Hardy, Washington, D.C.
(7374) Local 722, election, Washington, D.C., 1975
(7373) Marchel Smiley (left) and other unidentified panelists, Local 722, Washington, D.C.
(7372) Local 722, charter, 1975
(7371) Local 722, Washington Hospital Center, election, Washington, D.C., 1975
(7365) Local 495, negotiating committee, Worcester County Hospital, Massachusetts
(7272) Local 347, Bill Greene, Robert F. Kennedy, Los Angeles, 1967
(7270) Vladimir Bukovsky with others, Los Angeles, 1978