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(9603) 2nd Annual NALC Convention
(7327) Executive officers, international convention, Chicago, 1996
(7321) Thomas Young, Local 32BJ, Convention, New York City, 1960
(7308) Peter Ottley, 1957
(7306) Arline Neal, Justice for Janitors, Demonstration, World Bank, 1989
(7187) Elinor Glenn, Local 347, California, 1956
UAW Local 65 Records
UAW Local 57 Records
UAW Local 53 Records
UAW Local 51 Records
(7159) Local 87, John Sweeney, Pickets, San Francisco Community College, 1980
(7126) Kyne, Charles "Pop" Hardy in San Francisco 1948
(7123) Local 32B, Negotiations, New York City, 1969
(9530) Strikes, General Motors, Oshawa, Ontario, 1937
(7121) Local 32B Founders, New York City, 1957
(9529) Strikes, General Motors, Oshawa, Ontario, 1937
(9528) Strikes, General Motors, Oshawa, Ontario, 1937
(9527) Strikes, General Motors, Oshawa, Ontario, 1937
UAW Local 27 Records
UAW Local 9 Records
UAW Local 5 Records
(9473) Buildings, libraries, Old Main, Detroit, Michigan, 1952
(9472) Buildings, libraries, Old Main, Detroit, Michigan, 1952
Firing Line
AFT Convention 1994: State of the Union Speech
Crosstalk: “Should Teachers be Required to Pass a Competency Test before they Enter the Classroom?”
Dunlop Commission: Professionalism and Yeshiva. No date
Quality Education Standards in Teaching (QuEST): Educational Issues Conference Address
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Public Policy Forum: “Crisis in Education: Whose Responsibility?”
Quality Education Standards in Teaching (QuEST) Address