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Morag McLeod Simchak Papers
Ted F. Silvey Papers
George Shenkar Papers
Meet the Press
“Lessons for Life” Press Conference
Compass: “Thoughts on Education: An Interview with William Bennett and Albert Shanker”
Address to NYSUT Representative Assembly
Education Leadership: “On Restructuring Schools: A Conversation with Al Shanker”
Institute for Educational Policy Studies: “Teacher Unions: Past, Present and Future Influence”
ABC News Nightline
NPR Options in Education, “Teacher Power”
On Dan Sanders and Paraprofessional and School-Related Personnel (PSRP)
Hebrew Union College-University of Cincinnati (HUC-UC): “Preparing Teachers for the Twenty-First Century Schools”
Point of View: “Incentives and Reforms: The Views and Insights of Albert Shanker”
AFT Convention 1980 State of the Union Speech
ABC News Nightline: “Innovative Plan for Chelsea Schools”
A special message from the Walter P. Reuther Library of Labor and Urban Affairs
Technology and the Future of Work: “Crisis of U.S. Education”
Marjorie Kovler Lecture Series, University of Chicago
Little Rock Economic Conference
Corporate Educational Endeavors: What will Ensure Education Reform a Teacher/Union Leader's Perspective
Shavano Institute Conference: “Defining the Risks: Diagnoses and Cures”
Rochester Teacher Association Leadership Conference
california english: “Improving Our Schools: Drastic Change or Fine Tuning? An Interview with Albert Shanker”
Commonwealth Magazine: “What Schools Should—and Shouldn't—Learn From Markets”
National Press Club Speech – Proposes the Creation of a National Examination for Beginning Teachers
Eugene Shafarman Papers
Carl Sandburg Tape Recordings
Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives
Massachusetts Association of School Committees and School Superintendents