Morag McLeod Simchak Papers |
Ted F. Silvey Papers |
George Shenkar Papers |
Meet the Press |
“Lessons for Life” Press Conference |
Compass: “Thoughts on Education: An Interview with William Bennett and Albert Shanker” |
Address to NYSUT Representative Assembly |
Education Leadership: “On Restructuring Schools: A Conversation with Al Shanker” |
Institute for Educational Policy Studies: “Teacher Unions: Past, Present and Future Influence” |
ABC News Nightline |
NPR Options in Education, “Teacher Power” |
On Dan Sanders and Paraprofessional and School-Related Personnel (PSRP) |
Hebrew Union College-University of Cincinnati (HUC-UC): “Preparing Teachers for the Twenty-First Century Schools” |
Point of View: “Incentives and Reforms: The Views and Insights of Albert Shanker” |
AFT Convention 1980 State of the Union Speech |
ABC News Nightline: “Innovative Plan for Chelsea Schools” |
A special message from the Walter P. Reuther Library of Labor and Urban Affairs |
Technology and the Future of Work: “Crisis of U.S. Education” |
Marjorie Kovler Lecture Series, University of Chicago |
Little Rock Economic Conference |
Corporate Educational Endeavors: What will Ensure Education Reform a Teacher/Union Leader's Perspective |
Shavano Institute Conference: “Defining the Risks: Diagnoses and Cures” |
Rochester Teacher Association Leadership Conference |
california english: “Improving Our Schools: Drastic Change or Fine Tuning? An Interview with Albert Shanker” |
Commonwealth Magazine: “What Schools Should—and Shouldn't—Learn From Markets” |
National Press Club Speech – Proposes the Creation of a National Examination for Beginning Teachers |
Eugene Shafarman Papers |
Carl Sandburg Tape Recordings |
Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives |
Massachusetts Association of School Committees and School Superintendents |