Recent posts

Forum: “Where Albert Shanker Stands”
Instructor: “Futrell & Shanker Face Off”
Interview with Ed Muzik
AFT Convention: Keynote Address
League of Industrial Democracy Speech: I.S. 201
Smithsonian Conference: "Guidelines for Ensuring Quality Multicultural Education at the K-12 Level"
Great Lakes Regional Conference: "Lessons for Life"
On the Edge of Darkness – Kathy Cronkite interview
Remarks at the Lech Walesa Dinner, International Rescue Committee
School/College Collaboration: Teaching At-Risk Youth
Testimony before the Committee on Labor & Human Resources, Subcommittee on Education, Arts & Humanities, United States Senate
Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education
Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education of the Committee on Education & Labor
Testimony on Opportunity-to-learn Standards presented to NGA Task Force on Education
The Colorado Forum
Third International Conference on Soviet Jewry
Crossfire: “GI Bill for Children"
Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg: “The State of the Unions"
Address at Wake Forest University: “Revolution that is Overdue”
Address: AFT Convention
AFT 61st Annual Convention
Compass Interview
Good Morning, America: “Early Childhood Education”
Good Morning, America: “Politics in Education”
New York State United Teachers (NYSUT): "Keep the Clock"
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education: "Professional Relationships: Reality and Action"
New York State United Teachers (NYSUT): "Making of a Profession"
New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA) Address
Quality Education Standards in Teaching (QuEST) Conference
Statement before the Democratic Platform Committee