Ernest Dillard Passing |
(32652) Illinois State School Employees, AFSCME Local 30, Normal, Illinois |
(32651) Illinois State Hospital, AFSCME Local 26, Elgin, Illinois |
(32649) Everett Sanderson and William Suzor, AFSCME Local 25, Wayne County, Michigan |
(32647) AFSCME Local 12 members meet AFSCME President Jerry Wurf, 1968 |
(32648) Ernest Dillard, Portrait, 1969 |
(32650) Ernest Dillard, Portrait, 1969 |
William Hanna Photographs |
(32646) HistoryPin Map |
HistoryPin: Tour the Detroit Sit-Down Strikes of 1937 |
(32622) New Voice rally |
(32621) New Voice rally |
(32620) New Voice rally |
(32619) New Voice rally |
(32618) New Voice rally |
(32617) New Voice rally |
(32616) Newspaper strike picket line |
(32615) Newspaper strike picket line |
(32626) Safeguards press conference |
(32625) Safeguards press conference |
(32624) Safeguards press conference |
(32623) Safeguards press conference |
(32614) Days of Rage road block, Local 82, Washington DC, 1995 |
(32613) Days of Rage demonstration, Local 82, Washington DC, 1995 |
(32612) Days of Rage demonstration, Local 82, Washington DC, 1995 |
(32611) Days of Rage demonstration, Local 82, Washington DC, 1995 |
(32610) Days of Rage road block, Local 82, Washington DC, 1995 |
(32609) Days of Rage march, Local 82, Washington DC, 1995 |
(32608) Days of Rage march, Local 82, Washington DC, 1995 |
(32607) Days of Rage civil disobedience, Local 82, Washington DC, 1995 |