
Viola Liuzzo Sculpture Dedicated In Detroit

(24853) Mrs. Viola Liuzzo, Civil Rights Activist, 1963

Civil rights activist Viola Gregg Liuzzo was remembered and honored on July 23, 2019, when a new sculpture, by local artist Austen Brantley, was dedicated at the Detroit park named after her.

Liuzzo, born in 1925 and a mother of five living in the Detroit area, attended classes at Wayne State University for several years in the early 1960s. In 1965, she drove to Selma, Alabama, to join activists at voter-registration drives and marches led by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.  read more »

Exhibit Announcement: "Immigrant Girl, Radical Woman"

(37647) Vita and Matilda, Big Tujunga.

The Walter P. Reuther Library is proud to announce a new installation by artist Robbin Henderson. Based on archival documents and photographs from her research at the Reuther Library and other archives, Henderson’s original scratchboard drawings tell the life story of her grandmother – Socialist, IWW organizer, writer, and activist Matilda (Rabinowitz) Robbins (1887-1963).  read more »

Constructing Apollo 11: UAW and the Space Race

(45940) Aerospace Workers Construct Apollo Spaceships

A triumph of science that landed astronauts on the moon for the first time ever, the singularly historic Apollo 11 mission succeeded thanks to the bravery of Neil Armstrong and his crew. On Apollo 11’s 50th anniversary, it’s also worth noting the contributions of UAW members who played a vital role in its success.  read more »

The Origins and Impact of the "Women’s Mob," The United Community Services Women’s Committee

(38591) Women's Committee, United Community Services

Today it is known as the fundraising branch of the United Way of Southeastern Michigan, but in 1935 it was the Detroit Community Fund and it was $150,000 in debt. Out of this crisis, the Women’s Mob was born. Looking at the lackluster state of community service funds raised by the City of Detroit,  read more »

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