
Collection Spotlight: UAW Local 174 Mural

(35325) Local 174 Mural, "Untitled" 1937

In 1937, United Auto Workers Local 174 sponsored the creation of a series of murals to enliven their Union Hall and celebrate their rich, if relatively young, history. The resulting work proved to be one of the most memorable pieces of Detroit’s New Deal-era artwork.  read more »

Collection Spotlight: Leonard Woodcock Papers

(11528) Kennedy, Woodcock, Convention, Atlanic City, New Jersey, 1959

The Walter P. Reuther Library is honored to announce the opening of the The Leonard Woodcock Papers. Leonard Woodcock orchestrated profound accomplishments in a variety of fields, notably as head of the UAW and later as Ambassador to China, making these historical records a valuable resource to a wide range of researchers.  read more »

Tech Talk -- Web Content Management System

(35262) Google Analytics, 2009-2016

On January 30th, 2009 the Reuther switched off its old 1.0 website for good. For those that recall, its retirement was long overdue. By the time of its retirement, the site had endured over a decade of development that had led to a patchwork of static HTML pages with a great deal of problems. The problems spanned from broken links to grossly out-of-date collection descriptions. The later issues provided the impetus to find a quick fix. This lead to the implementation of the Reuther’s 2.0 website.  read more »

AFSCME and September 11, 2001

(35057) Gerald McEntee, Lee Saunders, World Trade Center Site, 2001

Members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) are drawn from a diverse range of professions and fields, including medical, sanitation, transportation, social work, clerical, and many others in the public service sector. Nothing in the union and the country’s history brought all of them together like the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and aftermath.  read more »

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