Social Forces, Foundations & Change
(28654) Riots, Housing, Sojourner Truth, Arrests, 1942
(28769) UAW wartime housing advertisement
(28770) Political Cartoon
(28771) Detroit Housing Has not Kept Up with Population
(28773) Work stoppages over advancement of African Americans
(30256) Grace Hospital, Newberry Hall, Detroit, 1930
(30350) Communists, "Michigan Six," Pamplets, 1950s
(30381) Plans for Proposed Incinerator, Detroit, 1960s
(30454) Health Care, Children's Hospital, 1940
(30455) Health Care, Children's Hospital of Michigan, 1972
(30531) Communists, Smith Act, 1950s
(30532) Communists, "Michigan Six," Smith Act, Trial, 1953