Dale Rich Collection
(28069) Demonstrations, Affirmative Action, University of Michigan, 2001
(28070) Demonstrations, Affirmative Action, University of Michigan, 2001
(28070) Detroit Fire Department, 1997
(28071) Demonstrations, Million Woman March, Philadelphia, 1997
(28072) Demonstrations, Million Woman March, Philadelphia, 1997
(28073) Demonstrations, Museum of African American History, Detroit, 1995
(28074) Demonstrations, GAR Building, Daughters of the Union, 2000
(28075) Demonstrations, Civil Rights March, Anniversary, Detroit, 2003
(28076) Detroit Fire Department, 1998
(28077) Memorials, Civil War, 102nd Infantry, Elmwood Cemetery, 2001
(28078) Demonstrations, "Spirit of Detroit," 2001
(28082) Bill Lucy, Labor Day, Detroit, 2008