Conventions, Conferences, and Events (SEIU)
(29448) Chicago Living Wage and Jobs Campaign, 21st SEIU International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29449) Demonstrator, Chicago Living Wage and Jobs Campaign, 21st SEIU International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29450) Local 880 Demonstrators, 21st SEIU International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29451) Child Demonstrator, Chicago Living Wage and Jobs Campaign, Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29452) Local 880 Demonstrators, Chicago Living Wage and Jobs Campaign, Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(29501) George Hardy
(29502) Anthony Weinlein, John Sweeney, AFL-CIO Convention
(29503) Al Barkan, George Hardy, Anthony Weinlein, SEIU Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1976
(29504) President Johnson, George Fairchild, 1960
(29505) George Fairchild, Local 25, 1959
(29506) Jack Depo, George Luke, William McFetridge, George Hardy, 1953
(29507) Local 9 Officer Installation, George Hardy, 1952.