Conventions, Conferences, and Events (SEIU)
(30036) Cecil Ward, Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1992
(30037) Cecil Ward, John Sweeney, International Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1992
(30038), Cecil Ward, John Sweeney, Richard Cordtz, International Convention, 1984
(30062) Fay Childs, Presenting
(30063) Richard Cordtz, Fay Childs
(30064) Gloria Marigny, Women's Conference, 1986
(30065) Gloria Marigny, 1986
(30066) Gloria Marigny, Betty Bednarczyk
(30196) Ophelia McFadden Speaking, 21st SEIU International Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1996
(30197) Ophelia McFadden, Jim Hightower, Public Employee Convention and Lobby Day, 1991
(30199) Ophelia McFadden Speaking, Asbestos OSHA Regional Hearing, 1984
(30301) SEIU IEVP Bill Stodghill, SEIU International Convention, 1980