AFSCME Archives Instructions

307 KB
2018, 2022

The first document attached below contains an introduction to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) archives, including guidelines for materials the Reuther collects from AFSCME and instructions for sending them. This guide may be especially helpful to individuals and AFSCME affiliates looking for information on what to do with their archives.

The second document is a condensed version outlining procedures for AFSCME staff sending documents to the archives following their department's records retention policy.

Below are some useful links for AFSCME material at the Reuther Library

AFSCME Collections
AFSCME Image Galleries
I AM A MAN exhibit on the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike

For questions about the AFSCME collections, contact the AFSCME Archivist.

Attachment(click to download)
AFSCME-Archives-Rev20180824.pdfAFSCME-Archives-Instructions.pdf301.94 KB
Archives-Staff-transfer.pdfArchives-Staff-transfer.pdf339.53 KB