After Leonard Woodcock stepped down as president of the UAW in 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter sent him to Beijing as a diplomatic envoy and ultimately as the nation’s first ambassador to the People’s Republic of China. In the first of a two-part interview, his wife Sharon Woodcock talks about Leonard’s labor ideals and shares tales about their time in the ambassador’s residence, including his unusually close relationship with Deng Xiaoping, the leader and architect of modern China.
Related Collections:
Leonard Woodcock Papers
Sharon Woodcock Oral History
UAW President's Office: Leonard Woodcock Records
UAW Vice President's Office: Leonard Woodcock Records
Related Resources:
Collection Spotlight: Leonard Woodcock Papers
Episode Credits
Producers: Dan Golodner and Troy Eller English
Interviewer: Gavin Strassel
Interviewee: Sharon Woodcock
Music: Bart Bealmear