Six individuals stand in front of a helicopter, which is partially out of the frame. One person holds a large bunch of papers that are curling at the edges. This image appears in the September 1960 issue of AFSCME's Public Employee magazine, with the caption: "Members of Washington State Employees Council 28 deliver the final batch of 2,000 signatures for Initiative 207 to the state capitol by helicopter to insure that a maximum number were filed before the deadline. From left are Council 28 treasurer Don Hall; Local 443 member Joe Lewis, who as state capitol gardener arranged for the landing of the helicopter on state grounds; Council president NB Crippen; Secretary of State Victor A. Meyers, who received the petitions; Council Executive Secretary Norm Schut, holding the petitions, and Field Rep Bob Henry." Initiative 207 passed, establishing the civil service system, along with collective bargaining rights, for state employees.