This area of the Reuther's Web site currently encompasses approximately 300, fully transcribed, speeches delivered between 1965 and 1996 by American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President's Charlie Cogen, David Selden and Albert Shanker. The speeches are organized chronologically by date. Please contact Dan Golodner for project details.
Education International Constituent Congress
In this speech, Shanker addresses three main points; the future of Education International, teacher trade unionism and professionalism in education. This is a transcript from a video recording of the speech.
The Education Continuum: Developing the Partnership
In this speech at the 1993 NAICU, NIICU Annual Meeting, Shanker shares his thoughts about what people in higher education can do to help those in secondary and elementary education.
Primary and Secondary Education
In this speech, Shanker addresses the problem of very poor educational achievement in America. He also suggests proposals for reform and the prospects that some of the reforms will provide.
Trilateral Commission Presentation
NYSUT Representative Assembly 1993
In this address to at the NYSUT conference, Shanker explains that without the support of the NYSUT, President William Clinton would not have been voted into office. He talks about the changes that the Clinton Administration will bring to office and the current Regan/Bush policies that will be done away with.