
CIO Office of the Secretary-Treasurer Records Abstracts
CIO Political Action Committee (PAC) Records Abstracts
Clara M. Vincent Papers Abstracts
Carl Cohen Papers Abstracts
Elvin Davenport Papers Abstracts
Detroit Commission on Community Relations (DCCR) / Human Rights Department Photographs and Other Material Abstracts
Detroit Industrial Mission Records Abstracts
Ernest C. and Jessie M. Dillard Papers Abstracts
Erwin B. Ellman Papers Abstracts
Fair Housing Campaign In Birmingham, Michigan Records Abstracts
Fair Housing Center Records Abstracts
Ferndale Civil Rights Ordinance Records Abstracts
Nat Ganley Papers Abstracts
Horace W. Gilmore Papers Abstracts
Grosse Pointe Civil Rights Organizations Records Abstracts
Carl Haessler Papers Abstracts
Harry Philo Papers Abstracts
Francis Heisler Papers Abstracts
Erma Henderson Papers Abstracts
Aaron Henry Papers Abstracts
Ernest L. Horne Papers Abstracts
James and Grace Lee Boggs Photographs and Audio-Visual Materials Abstracts
Damon J. Keith Papers Abstracts
Charles F. Kellogg Papers Abstracts
David Y. Klein Papers Abstracts
Rose Kleinman: Greater Detroit Fair Housing Records Abstracts
Joseph J. Kowalski Papers Abstracts
James Lafferty Papers Abstracts
Lily Lampinen Papers Abstracts
Layle Lane Papers Abstracts
Abraham Lefkowitz Papers Abstracts
James Lindahl Papers Abstracts
Howard Lipton Papers Abstracts
Viola Liuzzo Papers Abstracts
George Lutzai Papers Abstracts
Olga Madar Papers Abstracts
Mae Mallory Papers Abstracts
Emil Mazey Papers Abstracts
Ernest Mazey Papers Abstracts
James J. McClendon Papers Abstracts
Wade H. McCree, Jr. Papers Abstracts
Patrick Vincent McNamara Papers Abstracts
Metropolitan Detroit Council of Churches Records Abstracts
A.G. and Marie Mezerik Papers Abstracts
NAACP Detroit Branch Records Abstracts
NALC City Delivery Director Records Abstracts
Harold Norris Papers Abstracts
Harvey O'Connor Papers Abstracts
Rolland R. O'Hare Papers Abstracts
Carrie Burton Overton Papers Abstracts
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