(38266) Illinois State Delegates, 6th AFSCME International Convention, Boston, MA, 1948 | Image |
(38267) Appeals Committee, 6th AFSCME International Convention, Boston, Mass., 1948 | Image |
(38388) AFSCME Local 543 Lehigh Correctional Officers receive charter, 1971 | Image |
(38389) St. Peter Hospital Public Servants Week Planning Committee, Minnesota, 1948 | Image |
(38390) Children dressed as hospital workers of AFSCME locals 614 and 786, St. Peter, Minnesota, 1948 | Image |
(38400) Hospital Technicians at AFSCME Day, University of Maryland, Baltimore, 1967 | Image |
(38401) AFSCME Day at University of Maryland, Baltimore, 1967 | Image |
(38402) Children receive balloons at AFSCME Day event, University of Maryland, 1967 | Image |
(38404) Philadelphia AFSCME members throw Christmas party for hospitalized children, 1948 | Image |
(38405) Philadelphia AFSCME members throw Christmas party for hospitalized children, 1948 | Image |
(38564) Committee for Union Responsibility Conference, Chicago, 1963 | Image |
(38565) AFSCME COUR Conference, Doris Moulton, Milwaukee, 1963 | Image |
(38566) Committee on Union Responsibility, Milwaukee, 1963 | Image |
(38567) Committee for Union Responsibility, Jerry Wurf, Harry Gray | Image |
(38569) AFSCME Convention Contest Winner, 1964 | Image |
(38570) Baby waits for Jerry Wurf, Tom Morgan Victory, 1962 | Image |
(46552) Lucy, AFSCME Corrections United,1993 | Image |
(46553) McEntee, AFSCME Corrections United, 1993 | Image |
(46573) McEntee, Gore, Lucy, AFSCME Convention | Image |
(46575) AFSCME Convention, Keller, Philadelphia Zoo, 2000 | Image |
(46579) McEntee, Keller, Philadelphia Zoo, 2000 | Image |
(46582) AFSCME, Philadelphia Convention Center, 2000 | Image |
(46583) McEntee, Lucy, AFSCME Convention, Philadelphia | Image |
(46585) Saunders, AFSCME Convention, Philadelphia | Image |
(46586) AFSCME Convention computers, 2000 | Image |
(46655) AFSCME Convention, Philadelphia, pins | Image |
(46656) AFSCME Convention, Philadelphia, pins | Image |
(46659) AFSCME rally, District Council 33, Philadelphia | Image |
(46660) AFSCME Convention, Philadelphia rally, McEntee | Image |
(46711) AFSCME Convention Family Feud | Image |
(46712) AFSCME Council 47 at Convention | Image |
(46713) AFSCME Convention, Gore, "Green TV" | Image |
(46726) Detroit City Hall, Public Servants Week | Image |
(46727) Public Employees Week, West Virginia, 1962 | Image |
(46728) Public Employees Week, Detroit, AFSCME Council 77, 1962 | Image |
(46738) AFSCME Convention, Glazer, Music | Image |
(46740) AFSCME Convention, PEOPLE Fun Run, McEntee | Image |
(46780) AFSCME OCSEA affiliate | Image |
(46781) AFSCME Ohio organizing rally | Image |
(47682) AFSCME University of California Employees | Image |