If You Do Not Have 'Stakes' You Have a World Where Nothing Counts | Speeches |
Israel and Histadrut: A Great Social Laboratory | Speeches |
Italian-American Labor Council | Speeches |
Keynote Address to the Ohio Federation of Teachers | Speeches |
Keynote Address, Pittsburgh Convention | Speeches |
Labor Education, Local 189, and the AFT | Speeches |
Lifting the Profession: Teachers and Schools for the New Millenium | Speeches |
Little Rock Economic Conference | Speeches |
Local President's Conference | Speeches |
Making Teaching a True Profession | Speeches |
Meeting and Question and Answer | Speeches |
Michigan Quest 2000 | Speeches |
NAGB's Proposed Definition of Mathmatics Achievement Levels | Speeches |
National Conference on Achievement Testing and Basic Skills | Speeches |
Needed: More Teacher Strikes | Speeches |
New Areas of Collective Bargaining and the Public Interest | Speeches |
Normal Collective Bargaining Procedures vs. Special Procedures for Teachers | Speeches |
NYSUT Representative Assembly 1993 | Speeches |
Only Connect | Speeches |
Our Schools in the Light of Today's Challenges and Tensions | Speeches |
Primary and Secondary Education | Speeches |
Reducing Poverty in America | Speeches |
Remarks at the JFK School of Government, Harvard University Institute on Labor-Management Cooperation in School Districts | Speeches |
Remarks of Charles Cogen | Speeches |
Remarks to the Century Foundation Conference | Speeches |
S. 1675 and Other Measures Relating to Federal Teacher Training | Speeches |
Saving Our Public Schools; Steps Toward Reform | Speeches |
Scripts for "Education Watch" on Radio America | Speeches |
Setting Grade Level Acheivement Goals on NAEP Exams | Speeches |
Sharing Our Future; Teacher Preparation As Seen By Practicing Teachers | Speeches |
Speech before the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) | Speeches |
Speech to HUD, Community 2020 Seminar Series | Speeches |
Speech to the Commonwealth Club of California | Speeches |
Spring Conference Speech | Speeches |
Stakes Speech at the Brookings Institute | Speeches |
State of the Union Address | Speeches |
Statement For the Annual High School Debate Series | Speeches |
Strikeless Strikes by Teachers | Speeches |
Teacher Power: Force for Progress | Speeches |
Teacher Recruitment | Speeches |
Teachers and AFT at the Crossroads | Speeches |
Teachers Rights and Responsibilities | Speeches |
Teachers, Unions, and Society | Speeches |
Ten AFT Strikes | Speeches |
Testimony before the Committee on Education and Labor | Speeches |
Testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee | Speeches |
The Case for Radical School Reform | Speeches |
The Cogen-Progressive Administration | Speeches |
The Collective Bargaining Story in New York City | Speeches |
The Education Continuum: Developing the Partnership | Speeches |