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(24815) Mazey, Chapman, Stengel
(24814) Livingston and Zander
(24813) John F. Kennedy
(24812) President Kennedy
(24811) Wurf and Johnson
(24810) Jesse Jackson at Council 34
(24809) Wurf and Hodgson
(24808) Glen Hallam of Montana AFSCME
(24807) Humphrey and Lucy
(24806) Chapman and Humphrey
(24805) Humphrey and Wurf
(24804) Industrial Union Department Convention
(24894) Marshall Axlerod, Vice-President, United Educators of San Francisco, Local 61, AFT
(24895) AFL-CIO Convention, 1972
Subject focus: Jewish Detroit Experience
(24802) Members and Council, Washington Teachers Union Local 6, AFT
(24801) Vice President Hubert Humphrey and President William Simons, Washington Teachers Union, Local 6, AFT
(24800) Demonstration, Washington Teachers Union, Local 6, AFT
(24799) Picket Lines, Washington Teachers Union, Local 6, AFT
(24798) Political Leaders, St. Paul Federation of Teachers, Local 28, AFT
(24797) Lettisha Henderson, St. Paul Federation of Teachers, Local 28, AFT
(24796) Picket Lines, St. Paul Federation of Teachers, Local 28, AFT
(24795) Walter Monks, Buffalo Federation of Teachers, Local 39, AFT
(24794) Robert J. Razumich, Gary Federation of Teachers, Local 4, AFT
(24793) Charles Miller, Gary Federation of Teachers, Local 4, AFT
(24792) Officers, Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, Local 59, AFT
(24790) Hazel Grieger, Gary Federation of Teachers, Local 4, AFT
Renee Weisman, Marge Inden, and Bernice Brody StoryCorps Interview, Clip 5, 2008
Renee Weisman, Marge Inden, and Bernice Brody StoryCorps Interview, Clip 4, 2008
Renee Weisman, Marge Inden, and Bernice Brody StoryCorps Interview, Clip 3, 2008