
Farewell to Our Friend and Colleague

The staff of the Reuther Library is mourning the loss of a dear friend and colleague, Tom Featherstone. Tom died unexpectedly on September 15. His passing leaves a tremendous void at the Reuther Library, and in the archival world as a whole.

Tom joined the Reuther Library audiovisual staff in 1979. Having earned a B.A. in History from the University of New Mexico and a M.A. in History from Wayne State University, Tom specialized in Archival Administration, specifically in audiovisual preservation and conservation. He provided advice and assistance to literally thousands  read more »

Archivist of the United States Celebrates Wayne State University Archives Program

Dr. Philip P. Mason, Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the History and Library Science Departments at Wayne State University and past president of the Society of American Archivists (SAA), has left quite a legacy. Last year, the Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, which Dr. Mason founded, celebrated its 50th anniversary, while the institution housing this collection, the Reuther Library, celebrated its 35th anniversary.  read more »

Eleanor Josaitis — Hands Across the Racial Divide

As a symbol, it is exquisite in its simplicity. Two hands inside a circle, one black and one white, almost but never quite touching across the racial divide. This has been the logo of Focus: HOPE, an organization fighting for basic human rights in Detroit and Southeast Michigan for over forty years. And until her death last week, one of the leaders of the fight was Eleanor Josaitis.  read more »

The Civil Unrest of 1967

(318) Riots, Rebellions, 12th Street, 1967

Despite a century of progressive innovation in Detroit, it is a sad reality that the events of July 23-27, 1967 are among the city’s defining moments. The five-day period of civil unrest and extreme chaos caused physical damage to the city and emotional trauma to its people. Decades later, the aftereffects of the damage and trauma linger on.

The violence was not totally unexpected. Rumors of an uprising had been swirling throughout the city for the better part of the summer. Radicalism was on the rise, and talk of self-determination and separatism  read more »

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