
In Memoriam — Winnie Fraser

(28118) Doug and Winnie Fraser

Dr. Winifred Fraser passed away on February 29, 2012, at the age of 88. Fraser was a professor and dean at Wayne State University for 30 years, and was married to former United Automobile Workers President Doug Fraser for over 40 years.

A native Detroiter, Dr. Fraser rose from modest beginnings, working as a drill press operator and bookkeeper before earning a B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from Wayne State University in Detroit.  read more »

Subject Focus: Women's History at the Reuther Library

(46779) Edith Christenson, Soviet Union, 1925

The Reuther Library celebrates Women’s History Month with a look at some of the significant collections housed in the library that deal with the role of women in the urban landscape in Southeast Michigan.

Edith L. Christenson held positions in the Women’s Trade Union League, the Chorus Equity Association, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Public Affairs. The papers of Ms. Christenson document her work as a YMCA canteen worker during World War I and her involvement in the labor and cooperative movements and as an advocate for adult education. Of particular interest is a scrapbook documenting her travels around the world in 1925.  read more »

Collection Spotlight: Dale Rich Collection

(28069) Demonstrations, Affirmative Action, University of Michigan, 2001

In honor of Black History Month, we highlight the Dale Rich Collection.

Over fifteen years ago, Mr. Dale Rich, professional photographer, longtime newspaperman, and historian, came to the Reuther Library to research African Americans and labor. As I, Access Archivist Carrolyn Davis, began working with him, he soon showed me hundreds of photographs he had taken over the years of the 2006 Detroit Public School Teachers Strike, of organizing groups supporting the teachers, of himself reenacting a black Civil War solider at the Elmwood Cemetery, and of the Detroit Labor Day Parade, especially the trucks driven by the Teamsters.  read more »

Photo Caption Contest: Romance Edition, February 8-15, 2012

It's time for another round of our photo caption contest! To enter the contest follow these simple steps:

1. Look at the photo.

2. Come up with a caption for it.

3. Post your caption and the URL for this blog post on our facebook page, either directly on our wall, or in the comments beneath the contest announcement, within one week.

We’ll pick the one we like best, and that person will get a free print of the image. After a week, we’ll reveal the true context of the photo. We hope you enjoy!  read more »

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