Conventions, Conferences, and Events (SEIU)
(31262) President Jimmy Carter, Rosalynn Carter, SEIU Local 25 President Gene Moats
(31295) Seymour Miller, SEIU Executive Board Member Chicago Flat Janitors Local 1, 1920
(31296) Thomas Young, SEIU Local 32B-32J
(31298) Peter Ottley, Local 144 Members
(31299) SEIU Civil Rights Committee,1961
(31301) SEIU International Convention, EVP Bill Stodghill, 1980
(31305) Lovella Brown, SEIU Executive Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1977
(31306) IEB Member and Local 144 President John Kelley Jr., 19th SEIU International Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(31307) IEB Member Walter Backstrom, 1984 SEIU International Convention, Dearborn, Michigan
(31308) IEB Member Gloria Marigny, SEIU International Convention, 1980
(31309) Ophelia McFadden, Conference, 1980s
(31517) AFL-CIO Convention, SEIU EVP Member Rosemary Trump, California, 1985