Conventions, Conferences, and Events (SEIU)
(7126) Kyne, Charles "Pop" Hardy in San Francisco 1948
(7187) Elinor Glenn, Local 347, California, 1956
(7262) John Buchanan, Yvonne Brathwaite, Ed Bratrud, politics, Los Angeles
(7268) Local 347, officer installation, George Hardy, Los Angeles, 1960
(7270) Vladimir Bukovsky with others, Los Angeles, 1978
(7272) Local 347, Bill Greene, Robert F. Kennedy, Los Angeles, 1967
(7308) Peter Ottley, 1957
(7321) Thomas Young, Local 32BJ, Convention, New York City, 1960
(7350) Vincent Foo, president, Local 500, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1978
(7362) Local 73, H. Kurshenbaum, Business Manager, Stewards Meeting, 1978
(7372) Local 722, charter, 1975
(7373) Marchel Smiley (left) and other unidentified panelists, Local 722, Washington, D.C.