This area of the Reuther's Web site currently encompasses approximately 300, fully transcribed, speeches delivered between 1965 and 1996 by American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President's Charlie Cogen, David Selden and Albert Shanker. The speeches are organized chronologically by date. Please contact Dan Golodner for project details.
The Collective Bargaining Story in New York City
In this speech to the Colorado Federation of Teachers, Cogen appluads them for wanting to begin collective bargaining in their state. He references the collective bargaining agreement process in New York City and tells the teachers in Colorado how they can learn from the mistakes made in the New York City process.
New Areas of Collective Bargaining and the Public Interest
In this speech "New Areas of Collective Bargaining and the Public Interest; The Organization of White Collar, Technical and Professional Personnel", Cogen talks about the significance of New York City Teacher Situation and how it has affected the entire country.
Collective Bargaining - The New York Way
In this speech before the Oregon Federation of Teachers, Cogen talks about collective bargaining and how it is absolutely essential to put teachers on the "professional" level they need to be. He also talks about how achieving collective bargaining in New York has paved the way for other unions to achieve it as well.
Collective Bargaining Negotiations in New York City, 1962-63
In this speech made at the 1963 AFT convention, Cogen references a report done by Dr. Mark Schinnerer about the dying education system in New York City. He goes on to explain the efforts and negotiations that the United Federation of Teachers are putting together to fight the "dying" education systems all over the country.
The Meaning of Collective Bargaining to Teachers
Cogen gave this speech in Detroit. Boston and Plainview. In it, he tells about the New York City collective bargaining agreement and how it drastically improved the situation and rose spirits there. He explains how other cities can be successful in the same process.