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(12208) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12207) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12206) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12205) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12204) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12203) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12202) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12201) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12200) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12199) 75 Years of Solidarity: A History of the UAW
(12219) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12198) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12197) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12196) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12195) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12194) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12193) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12192) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12191) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
(12190) Still Delivering: A History of the Letter Carriers
Peggy Layne SWE Grassroots Oral History Interview, Clip 1, 2010
WDIV Transcripts
(12189) Carl Megel, Antonia Kolar, Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(12188) 25th Anniversary Party, Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(12187) Carl Megel, Jane Rehberg, J. Edwards, Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(12186) Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(12185) William Himilhoch, President, Flordia Federation of Teachers, Local 1458, AFT
(12184) Information Picket, Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(12183) 25th Anniversary Party Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT
(12182) 25th Anniversary Party, Detroit Federation of Teachers, Local 231, AFT