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(5418) Work People's College, Class Photo, 1930s
(5410) Demonstrations, National Register, I.W.W. Australia, 1939
(5405) Unemployed Union, Exterior View, New York, 1930s.
(5406) Unemployment, Demonstrations, Unemployed Union, New York, 1930s
(5404) Children, Junior Wobblies, Undated
(34341) Portrait of Brandon Carter, 2016
(5504) Butte Miners' Union Hall, Destruction, Western Federation of Miners, 1914
(5501) Copper Country Strike, National Guard Encampment, 1913
(5498) Miners, Strikes, Strike, Strike Support, 1913
(5487) Armando Borghi, Portrait, Anarchism, Italy, 1910s-1920s
(5460) John Allars, Funeral, Violence, Mesaba Range Strike, Minnesota, 1916
(5502) Copper Country Strike, Red Jacket Shaft, National Guard, 1913
(5500) Copper Country Strike, National Guard Encampment, 1913
(5491) Richard Brazier, IWW Leadership, 1910s
(5461) David Allen, Funeral, Undated
Meet Brandon Carter, Facilities Coordinator
(5689) Centralia Massacre, Sheriff Berry, 1919
(5666) Centralia Massacre, Grimm Funeral, Centralia, Washington, 1919
(5661) Centralia Massacre, Prisoners, 1919
(5645) Rallies and Demonstrations, Frank Cedervall, Cleveland, Ohio, 1930s
(5667) Centralia Massacre, Montesano Trial, Reporters, 1919
(5664) Centralia Massacre, Prisoners, Family Members, 1922
(5660) Centralia Massacre, Defendants, Washington, 1919
Tech Talk -- Social Media Outreach
AFSCME Central Regional Office: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Clerical Administrative Campaign Records
Event: Sacramento Knoxx and Storytelling as History
Sacramento Knoxx and Storytelling Event
Fred Hansen Papers
(34293) Facebook Insights, Post Details, Old Mariners' Church
The Southern Airways strike of 1960: ALPA’s epic battle over fair wages for pilots