
Exhibit Announcement - Armistice 1918: Detroit and the End of the Great War

(32259) First World War, Return of Troops, 32nd Division, Parade, Detroit, 1919

In honor of centennial of the end of the First World War, the Reuther Library is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibit Armistice 1918: Detroit and the End of the Great War. The exhibit shares a brief, candid glimpse of the massive celebrations that marked the surrender of Germany and the return of the troops home later in the Spring of 1919, capturing the joy and relief of citizens and soldiers alike. The photo prints, made from original 5x7 glass plate negatives, are stunning in both their content and clarity. The exhibit will be on display in the Leonard Woodcock Gallery through Spring 2018.  read more »

Folklore Fridays: Halloween Edition

(64320) Halloween, Games, Children, Ghosts, 1920s

It is that time of year again! Prepare thyself for the long nights to come with a sampling of supernatural tales drawn from student fieldwork projects for the Folklore Archive.  read more »

Brown Bag Talk: Kelly Goodman on "Taxing Limits: The Political Economy of American School Finance"

(28056) Demonstrations, Strikes, Detroit Public Schools, 1998-1999

Join the Reuther Library on October 25 from 12-1 for a research discussion from Fishman Grant Recipient Kelly Goodman of Yale University.

In her forthcoming dissertation Taxing Limits: The Political Economy of American School Finance, Goodman explores both the grassroots and elite political history of funding education through local and state taxes. Goodman uses the example of 1930s and 1970s public budget crises in Michigan and California, notable for their powerful  read more »

United Way for Southeastern Michigan: 100 Years of Giving

(35887) You are the heart of Detroit.. GIVE ONCE FOR ALL, 1955 TORCH DRIVE, OCT. 18-NOV. 10; Promotion buses; Miss Torchy, 1955.

In 2017, United Way for Southeastern Michigan (UWSM) celebrated a major milestone: 100 years of continuous promotion of social services to those in need. In addition, the organization’s 10-year plan Agenda for Change concludes this year. Targeting the greater Detroit region, it focuses on access to education, income,  read more »

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