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(5103) Miners, Mining, 1910s-1920s
(5113) Portraits, Milee Mucica, 1910s-1920s
(5099) Strikes, Meetings and Demonstrations, Mining, 1920s
(5111) Motion Picture Operator's Union, I.A.T.S.E, Local 171, 1910s-1920s
(5094) Housing, Living Conditions, Miners, 1910s
(5091) Coal Miners, Demonstrations, 1910s-1920s
(5087) Convention, Little, Flynn, Gallagher, Chicago, 1913
(5097) Strikes, Fort Pitt Steel Casing Strike, McKeesport, Penn., 1913
(5084) Jack Law, Snapshot, 1910s
(5095) Mining and Metalwork, 1910s-1920s
(5085) Edward Koettgen, Snapshot, CHicago, 1913
(5083) Jospeh Ettor, Meetings, 1910s
(5082) IWW Organizers, Jack Law, 1910s
(33270) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33269) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33268) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33267) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33266) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33265) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33264) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33263) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33262) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33261) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
(33260) WWII, War Industry, Propogranda Posters, 1940s
AFSCME Education and Leadership Training Department Records
(5054) Ludlow Strike, Tent Colony, 1913-1914
(5053) Ludlow Strike, National Guardsmen, Colorado, 1914
(5052) Ludlow Strike, Miners, Trinidad, Colorado
(5050) Ludlow Strike, Mine Guard, Violence. 1914
(5051) Ludlow Massacre, "Death Pit," 1914