The following list contains abstracts of Reuther manuscript and records collections. Collection guides or finding aids may be found at the bottom of the collection abstract node. Please contact Kristen Chinery, Reference Archivist for more information.
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Title | Date Range | Family | Accession Number | Node Creation Date |
UAW National War Labor Board and National Labor Relations Board Records | 1941-1950 | LR000634 | 11/21/2008 - 13:06 | |
UAW Organizing Leaflets | circa 1950-1959 | LR000480 | 11/21/2008 - 13:07 | |
UAW Political Action Department: Roy Reuther Records | 1947-1957 | LR000191_PAD | 11/21/2008 - 13:08 | |
UAW President's Office: Douglas Fraser Records | 1971-1985 | LR001116 | 06/18/2010 - 10:31 | |
UAW President's Office: Homer Martin Records | 1934-1941 | LR000063 | 12/04/2008 - 17:37 | |
UAW President's Office: Howard Young Records | 1951-1987, bulk 1961-1987 | LR001400 | 07/05/2012 - 14:34 | |
UAW President's Office: Leonard Woodcock Records | 1962-1977 | LR000262 | 06/18/2010 - 10:32 | |
UAW President's Office: Owen Bieber Records | 1970-1995, bulk 1984-1994 | LR001270 | 08/18/2010 - 16:30 | |
UAW President's Office: R.J. Thomas Papers | 1936-1964 | LR000115 | 12/04/2008 - 17:17 | |
UAW President's Office: Stephen P. Yokich Records | 1935 - 2004 | LR001626 | 05/19/2023 - 09:16 | |
UAW President's Office: Walter P. Reuther Records | 1933-1970, bulk 1946-1970 | LR000261 | 11/19/2008 - 16:42 | |
UAW Presidents' Office Records | 1969-1983 | LR001399 | 11/21/2008 - 13:09 | |
UAW Public Relations Department Photographs and Sound and Video Recordings | 1929-2008, bulk 1985-1995 | LAV001193 | 10/25/2013 - 14:01 | |
UAW Public Relations Department Records | 1940-1950s | LR000125 | 11/21/2008 - 13:15 | |
UAW Public Relations Department: Clippings | 1940-1972 | LR000125_PRC | 11/15/2008 - 00:12 | |
UAW Public Relations Department: Ford Motor Company Series Records | 1937-1941 | LR000125_Ford | 12/18/2008 - 16:11 | |
UAW Public Relations Department: Frank Winn Records | 1940-1962 | LR000125_Winn | 11/21/2008 - 13:17 | |
UAW Public Relations Department: Simon Alpert Records | 1970-1980 | LR001083 | 11/21/2008 - 13:18 | |
UAW Public Review Board Records | 1957-1988 | LR000339 | 11/21/2008 - 13:19 | |
UAW Radio Department Records | 1949-1964 | LR000208 | 05/06/2009 - 11:15 | |
UAW Recreation Department Records | 1944-1972 | LR000188 | 11/10/2008 - 17:28 | |
UAW Region 1 Records | 1939-1989 | LR001206 | 11/21/2008 - 13:20 | |
UAW Region 1-D Records | 1940-1959 | LR000202 | 01/27/2009 - 14:47 | |
UAW Region 10 Records | 1948-1973 | LR000542 | 11/21/2008 - 13:21 | |
UAW Region 10: Minneapolis Sub-Regional Office Records | 1941-1980 | LR001056 | 11/21/2008 - 13:22 | |
UAW Region 10: Ray Majerus Records | 1941-1969 | LR000597 | 11/21/2008 - 13:23 | |
UAW Region 1A Records | 1946-1961 | LR000615 | 11/21/2008 - 13:26 | |
UAW Region 1B Leadership Institute Records | 1970 | LR000404 | 01/14/2010 - 17:56 | |
UAW Region 1B Records | 1939-1985 | LR000512 | 01/27/2009 - 14:54 | |
UAW Region 1C: Jackson Subregional Office Records | 1944-1972 | LR001266 | 11/21/2008 - 13:32 | |
UAW Region 1E Records | 1942-1983 | LR000347 | 11/21/2008 - 13:33 | |
UAW Region 2 Records | 1941-1985 | LR000735 | 11/21/2008 - 13:34 | |
UAW Region 2A Records | 1942-1976 | LR000747 | 11/21/2008 - 13:36 | |
UAW Region 2B Records | 1939-1970 | LR001429 | 11/21/2008 - 13:36 | |
UAW Region 3 Records | 1950-1971 | LR000374 | 11/21/2008 - 13:37 | |
UAW Region 5 Records | 1968-1986 | LR001218 | 11/21/2008 - 13:38 | |
UAW Region 6 Records | 1939-1970 | LR000533 | 10/13/2008 - 11:42 | |
UAW Region 7: Canadian Office Records | 1937-1970, bulk 1955-1970 | LR000372 | 01/27/2009 - 15:49 | |
UAW Region 7: Toronto Sub-Regional Office Records | 1941-1968 | LR000296 | 01/27/2009 - 15:40 | |
UAW Region 8 Records | 1941-1970 | LR000811 | 11/21/2008 - 13:39 | |
UAW Region 9 Records | 1941-1985 | LR000283 | 11/21/2008 - 13:41 | |
UAW Region 9A Records | 1945-1984 | LR000842 | 11/14/2008 - 23:19 | |
UAW Research Department Records | 1938-1985 | LR000350 | 11/10/2008 - 17:36 | |
UAW Research Library: Congressional Testimonies | 1938-2009, bulk 1958-1991 | LR002092 | 06/21/2010 - 14:25 | |
UAW Secretary Treasurer's Office: Emil Mazey Records | 1942-1955, bulk 1947-1952 | LR000052 | 12/04/2008 - 17:11 | |
UAW Secretary Treasurer's Office: George Addes Records | 1936-1947 | LR000052_Addes | 12/04/2008 - 16:50 | |
UAW SEMCAP Records | 1968-1974 | LR001198 | 11/21/2008 - 13:42 | |
UAW Social Security Department Records | 1939-1986 | LR000317 | 11/10/2008 - 17:45 | |
UAW Social Security Department: Community Health Association Records | 1954-1972 | LR000317_CHA | 11/21/2008 - 13:43 | |
UAW Special Projects Department Records | 1945-1973 | LR000646 | 12/01/2008 - 17:26 | |
UAW Studebaker-Packard Department Records | 1950-1962, bulk 1954-1962 | LR000042 | 05/05/2009 - 12:12 | |
UAW Technical, Office, Professional (TOP) Department Records | 1937-1985, bulk 1960-1985 | LR000704 | 11/21/2008 - 13:46 | |
UAW Unemployment Compensation Department Records | 1945-1950 | LR000407 | 05/05/2009 - 12:17 | |
UAW Veterans' Department Records | 1943-1954 | LR000293 | 11/10/2008 - 17:54 | |
UAW Vice President Jack Laskowski Records | 1976-1992 | LR002102 | 01/10/2019 - 16:28 | |
UAW Vice President's Office: Douglas Fraser Records | 1953-1977, bulk 1970-1977 | LR000827 | 11/19/2008 - 16:18 | |
UAW Vice President's Office: Irving Bluestone Records | 1959-1980, bulk 1965-1980 | LR000993 | 12/01/2008 - 17:26 | |
UAW Vice President's Office: Ken Bannon Records | 1940-1980 | LR000935 | 06/30/2009 - 15:11 | |
UAW Vice President's Office: Leonard Woodcock Records | 1950-1970 | LR000734 | 12/01/2008 - 17:28 | |
UAW Vice President's Office: Richard T. Gosser Records | 1953-1957 | LR000258 | 12/04/2008 - 17:13 | |
UAW Vice-President's Office: Donald Ephlin Records | 1960s-2000, bulk 1970s-1980s | LR001404 | 01/18/2011 - 13:30 | |
UAW War Policy Division Records | 1941-1946 | LR000263 | 12/18/2008 - 16:39 | |
UAW War Policy Division: Women's Bureau Records | 1942-1945, bulk 1944 | LR000640 | 12/01/2008 - 17:28 | |
UAW Washington Office Legislative Department: Donald Montgomery Records | 1935-1957 | LR000036 | 11/21/2008 - 15:30 | |
UAW Washington Office Legislative Department: Samuel Jacobs and Paul Sifton Records | 1943-1962 | LR000799 | 11/21/2008 - 15:31 | |
UAW Washington Office: Stephen Schlossberg Records | 1952-1981 | LR001219 | 11/21/2008 - 15:32 | |
UAW Women's Auxiliaries Records | 1941-1976 | LR000918 | 11/21/2008 - 15:33 | |
UAW Women's Department Records | 1919-1982 | LR000446 | 11/21/2008 - 15:34 | |
UAW Women's Department: Dorothy Haener Records | 1932-1982 | LR000848 | 11/21/2008 - 15:36 | |
UAW Women's Department: Lillian Hatcher Records | 1942-1979 | LR000972 | 11/21/2008 - 15:37 | |
United Community Services Budget Department Records | 1918-1981, bulk 1963-1981 | UR002482 | 04/25/2014 - 15:05 | |
United Community Services Communications Department Records | 1928-1992, bulk 1947-1984 | UR002493 | 04/25/2014 - 15:29 | |
United Community Services Executive Office Records | 1917-1995, bulk 1945-1995 | UR002463 | 04/25/2014 - 15:24 | |
United Community Services Community Information Service Records | 1928-1986, bulk 1950-1985 | UR002488 | 04/25/2014 - 15:37 | |
United Community Services Research Department Records | 1917-1985, bulk 1947-1979 | UR002465 | 04/25/2014 - 15:41 | |
United Community Services Special Programs Department Records | 1958-1983, bulk 1973-1981 | UR002483 | 04/25/2014 - 15:47 | |
UFW Administration Department Records | 1955-1984, bulk 1968-1978 | LR000221_admin | 01/20/2011 - 19:05 | |
UFW Arizona State Office Records | 1965-1973 | LR000221_ASO | 10/30/2008 - 15:41 | |
UFW Boycott Central Records | 1943-1976, bulk 1967-1976 | LR002340 | 11/01/2013 - 09:40 | |
UFW Michigan Boycott Records | 1964-1981 | LR000221_MI | 10/30/2008 - 15:36 | |
UFW Nampa, Idaho Boycott Office Records | 1966-1972 | LR000470 | 10/30/2008 - 15:40 | |
UFW Washington State Boycott Records | 1968-1979 | LR000221_WA | 10/30/2008 - 15:35 | |
UFW Washington, D. C. Boycott Records | 1966-1976 | LR000221_DC | 10/30/2008 - 15:33 | |
UFW California Boycott Records | 1965-1980, bulk 1967-1976 | LR002502 | 04/03/2014 - 16:43 | |
UFW Canadian Boycott: Montreal Office Records | 1967-1974, bulk 1968-1971 | LR002220 | 11/30/2011 - 17:36 | |
UFW Canadian Boycott: Toronto Office Audio-Visual Collection | 1973-1978 | LAV002473 | 07/07/2016 - 15:42 | |
UFW Canadian Boycott: Toronto Office Records | 1965-1979, bulk 1973-1977 | LR002473 | 09/08/2015 - 16:43 | |
UFW Canadian Boycott: Winnipeg Office Records | 1961-1974, bulk 1971-1973 | LR001776 | 01/23/2014 - 17:18 | |
UFW Central Administration Records | 1952-1976, bulk 1959-1974 | LR000221_CAdmin | 10/30/2008 - 11:30 | |
FBI File on Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers | 1960s | LR000000_FBICC | 02/10/2015 - 14:46 | |
UFW Florida Boycott: Miami Office Records | 1961-1983 | LR002472 | 12/18/2013 - 10:53 | |
UFW Florida Division Records | 1962-1992 | LR002777 | 05/14/2018 - 11:43 | |
UFW Hawaii Boycott Committee Records | 1968-1970 | LR000221_HI | 02/25/2011 - 13:31 | |
UFW Illinois Boycott: Chicago Office Records | 1962-1982, bulk 1970-1974 | LR002480 | 07/22/2015 - 16:07 | |
UFW Information and Research Department Records | 1939-1978, bulk 1968-1977 | LR002435 | 07/22/2013 - 10:56 | |
UFW Louisiana Boycott: New Orleans Office Records | 1969 | LR002710 | 03/01/2011 - 17:54 | |
UFW Maryland Boycott Records | 1969-1976 | LR002505 | 04/09/2014 - 16:31 | |
UFW Massachusetts Boycott: Boston Office Records | 1966-1982 | LR002436 | 07/16/2013 - 12:41 | |
UFW Minnesota Boycott: Minneapolis Office Records | 1959-1975, bulk 1968-1975 | LR002478 | 12/13/2013 - 15:40 | |
National Farm Workers Association Records | 1960-1967, bulk 1962-1966 | LR000221_NFW | 10/30/2008 - 11:37 |