The following list contains abstracts of Reuther manuscript and records collections. Collection guides or finding aids may be found at the bottom of the collection abstract node. Please contact Kristen Chinery, Reference Archivist for more information.
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Title | Date Range | Family | Accession Number | Node Creation Date |
Jay B. Krane Papers | 1948-1961 | LP000614 | 02/16/2009 - 11:03 | |
Dorothy Kraus Papers | 1920s-1990s, bulk 1930s-1960s | LP001221 | 06/18/2010 - 10:30 | |
Henry Kraus Papers | 1926-1960, bulk 1935-1944 | LP000112 | 06/15/2010 - 16:36 | |
Nettie Kravitz Papers | 1943 - 2010 (bulk 1953 - 1957) | UP002885 | 05/09/2022 - 14:31 | |
Samuel Krieger Papers | 1926-1994 | LP001616 | 02/16/2009 - 10:56 | |
Maynard Krueger Papers | 1938 | LP001075 | 12/02/2008 - 16:26 | |
Frank LaBita Papers | 1953-1955 | LP000044 | 11/04/2008 - 11:05 | |
Labor and Working Class History Association Records | 1994-2006 | LR002766 | 04/26/2018 - 13:41 | |
Labor Committee for Safe Energy and Full Employment Records | 1979-1981, bulk 1981 | LR001131 | 05/05/2009 - 10:57 | |
Labor Notes Records | 1965-2007 | LR001555 | 03/22/2016 - 12:28 | |
Labor Today Records | 1969-1975 | LR000705 | 12/18/2008 - 15:46 | |
Labor's Non-Partisan League Records | 1938-1942 | LR000119 | 11/04/2008 - 11:06 | |
James Lafferty Papers | 1969-1991 | UP000626 | 09/10/2012 - 14:45 | |
Lamphere Federation of Teachers Local 1614 Records | 1973-1998, bulk 1980-1985 | LR002131 | 05/03/2011 - 15:10 | |
Lloyd Lampher Papers | 1950-1976, bulk 1952-1976 | LP001092 | 02/17/2009 - 11:48 | |
Lily Lampinen Papers | 1960-1975 | UP000836 | 02/17/2009 - 11:35 | |
Layle Lane Papers | 1940-1969 | LP000439 | 12/02/2008 - 17:29 | |
Garland Lane Papers | 1964-1974 | UP000309 | 02/17/2009 - 11:25 | |
Charles Lang Papers | 1947-1971, bulk 1960-1967 | LP000807 | 02/17/2009 - 11:11 | |
Milton Lapine Papers | 1934-1983 | LP001124 | 12/02/2008 - 16:55 | |
E.W. Latchem Papers | 1915-1959 | LP000171 | 12/02/2008 - 16:44 | |
W. Jett Lauck Papers | 1913, 1926, 1935-1947 | LP000409 | 11/04/2008 - 11:08 | |
Robert Lee Lawson Paper | 1957 | LP000117 | 01/14/2010 - 17:11 | |
Daniel J. Leab Papers | 1900-1975 | LP000590 | 02/17/2009 - 10:16 | |
League for Mutual Aid Records | 1920-1972, bulk 1940-1972 | LR000455 | 01/27/2009 - 14:39 | |
League of Women Voters of Detroit Records | 1979-1980 | UR001402 | 12/18/2008 - 15:42 | |
Arthur F. Lederle Papers | 1914-1967 | UP000559 | 02/16/2009 - 17:40 | |
Abraham Lefkowitz Papers | 1934-1966, bulk 1934-1955 | LP000402 | 12/02/2008 - 17:38 | |
Ben Legere Papers | 1906-1970 | LP000709 | 08/07/2020 - 09:00 | |
John C. Leggett Papers | 1955-1960 | LP001012 | 04/09/2020 - 15:49 | |
Richard T. Leonard Papers | 1940-1971 | LP000746 | 06/29/2009 - 14:02 | |
Harry E. Lester Papers | 1980-1981 | LP001035 | 06/29/2009 - 14:44 | |
Marjorie Jackson Levin Papers | 1970-1973 | UP000828 | 06/29/2009 - 15:01 | |
Edward Levinson Papers | 1910-1945 | LP000085 | 11/04/2008 - 11:47 | |
John L. Lewis Papers | 1879-1969 | LR000494 | 11/04/2008 - 11:49 | |
LGBT Detroit Records | 1993-2016 | UR002652 | 04/07/2016 - 14:51 | |
Stephen Lighthill Film Collection | 1979-1980 | UAV001622 | 03/02/2011 - 11:54 | |
Linda Johnson Papers | 1972-1981 | UP002655 | 04/03/2019 - 12:13 | |
James Lindahl Papers | 1930s-1950s | LP001061 | 07/16/2010 - 11:22 | |
Herbert Lindberg Papers | 1940-1943 | LP000933 | 06/29/2009 - 15:31 | |
Nel Lindemulder Papers | 1937 | LP001611 | 07/27/2018 - 10:53 | |
C. Z. Lindsey Papers | 1942-1961 | LP000534 | 06/29/2009 - 15:48 | |
Henry Richardson Linville Papers | 1912-1941 | LP000373 | 11/04/2008 - 12:22 | |
Howard Lipton Papers | 1956-1971 | LP000464 | 06/29/2009 - 16:03 | |
Ed Liska Papers | 1962-1972 | LP001469 | 06/29/2009 - 16:19 | |
Viola Liuzzo Papers | 1953-1998, bulk 1965-1983 | UP001745 | 09/28/2009 - 12:22 | |
John W. Livingston Papers | 1947-1955 | LP000259 | 11/04/2008 - 12:26 | |
Livonia Education Association Collection | 1945 to 1968 | LR000305 | 01/15/2010 - 17:28 | |
Percy Llewellyn Papers | 1938-1967 | LP000442 | 06/29/2009 - 16:28 | |
Frank Lohr Papers | 1939-1961 | LP00043C | 11/04/2008 - 12:30 | |
Robert Lopez Papers | 1971-1987 | LP001482 | 06/29/2009 - 17:23 | |
Mrs. Stanley Lowe Papers | 1857 | LP000325 | 11/04/2008 - 12:33 | |
Jakub L. Lublinski Papers | 1978 - 1981 | LP001084 | 06/10/2022 - 12:45 | |
George Lutzai Papers | 1919-1965 | LP000019 | 11/04/2008 - 12:34 | |
George Lyons Papers | 1940-1964 | LP000006 | 11/04/2008 - 12:35 | |
Lyrick Club Records | 1909-1966 | UR000913 | 02/01/2019 - 18:07 | |
Hugh Macmillan Papers | 1917-1921 | LP000265 | 11/04/2008 - 12:37 | |
Nora Maczko Papers | 1985-1986 | LP001421 | 06/29/2009 - 17:38 | |
Olga Madar Papers | circa 1930-1999 | LP000203 | 06/29/2009 - 17:56 | |
Maryann Mahaffey Papers | 1944-2006 | UP001514 | 02/18/2019 - 10:34 | |
Mae Mallory Papers | 1961-1967 | UP000955 | 06/30/2009 - 12:42 | |
Michael Manning Papers | 1925-1942, bulk 1934-1942 | LP000018 | 11/04/2008 - 12:42 | |
Mark Adams Radio Program Records | 1948-1949 | UR000489 | 11/04/2008 - 12:44 | |
Mark Heinen Papers | 1933-1983 | LP001274 | 11/06/2017 - 13:19 | |
Marvin P. Marks Papers | 1980-1996 | UP001665 | 02/05/2018 - 11:37 | |
Frank Marquart Papers | 1936-1975 | LP000017 | 10/23/2008 - 11:51 | |
Blaine Marrin Papers | 1947-1955 | LP000204 | 11/04/2008 - 14:39 | |
Ben Martin Papers | circa 1970s-1990s | LP002372 | 02/11/2014 - 17:33 | |
Mary Ellen Riordan Papers | 1920-2004 | LP001682 | 02/08/2016 - 12:32 | |
Michigan Dance Archives: Marygrove College Department of Dance Records | 1960-1990 | UR002812 | 08/27/2018 - 10:05 | |
Gabriel R. Mason Papers | 1970 | LP000414 | 12/04/2008 - 11:07 | |
Fred Masters Papers | 1942-1945 | LP000181 | 11/04/2008 - 14:50 | |
Alan W. Mather Papers | 1930-1982 | LP000756 | 02/16/2009 - 17:23 | |
MATRIX Walter and May Reuther Senior Services Center Records | 1953-2008 | UR001999 | 02/27/2018 - 10:57 | |
Joseph Mattson Papers | 1947-1950 | LP000207 | 11/04/2008 - 14:55 | |
Maurice Kelman Papers | 1943-2012 | UP001282 | 08/14/2019 - 13:38 | |
Emil Mazey Papers | 1933-1981 | LP001149 | 12/18/2008 - 17:36 | |
Ernest Mazey Papers | 1942-1979 | LP000639 | 12/10/2008 - 12:39 | |
James J. McClendon Papers | 1932-1969 | UP000157 | 11/04/2008 - 14:57 | |
Mary Upshaw McClendon Papers | 1969-1990s | LP000784 | 12/18/2008 - 12:59 | |
Herbert T. McCreedy Papers | 1934-1973, bulk 1935-1965 | LP000991 | 12/10/2008 - 16:58 | |
Wade H. McCree, Jr. Papers | 1937-2010, bulk 1954-1987 | UP000822 | 11/09/2015 - 14:55 | |
Richard McGhee Papers | 1958-1978, bulk 1963-1977 | UP000742 | 02/18/2009 - 16:36 | |
Ashby C. McGraw Papers | 1935-1965 | LP000335 | 11/04/2008 - 15:11 | |
McGregor Fund Records | 1890-2021 | UR002635 | 04/29/2024 - 11:21 | |
McGregor Fund Records | 1893-2003, bulk 1925-1955 | UR002635 | 06/29/2016 - 16:59 | |
Tracy William McGregor Papers | 1846-1970, bulk 1891-1954 | UP001387 | 11/04/2008 - 15:12 | |
Henry E. McGuckin Papers | 1893-1919 | LP000596 | 01/27/2016 - 12:59 | |
Patrick Vincent McNamara Papers | 1942-1966 | UP000189 | 11/04/2008 - 15:14 | |
Thomas McNett Papers | 1936-1970 | LP000336 | 11/04/2008 - 15:16 | |
Norman McRae Papers | 1960s-1980s | UP000337 | 03/01/2011 - 19:38 | |
Michigan Dance Archives: Cecchetti Council of America Records | 1950-2021 | UR002990 | 06/01/2022 - 10:16 | |
Michigan Dance Archives: Harriet Berg Papers, Part 4 | 2002-01-05 | UP001608 | 01/05/2022 - 14:05 | |
Stoyan Menton Papers | 1935-1976, bulk 1944-1958 | LP000802 | 02/18/2009 - 16:34 | |
Merrill-Palmer Institute Records | 1920-1981, bulk 1928-1973 | UR002127 | 03/01/2011 - 18:18 | |
Merrill-Palmer Institute: Armin Grams Records | 1962-1977 | UR001066_Grams | 12/11/2008 - 13:20 | |
Merrill-Palmer Institute: Dr. Esther McGinnis Records | 1936-1952, bulk 1941-1952 | UR002124 | 10/01/2010 - 14:39 | |
Merrill-Palmer Institute: Dr. Francis H. Palmer Records | 1978-1983, bulk 1978-1981 | UR002123 | 10/01/2010 - 14:20 | |
Merrill-Palmer Institute: Dr. J. William Rioux Records | 1960-1973, bulk 1967-1973 | UR002119 | 10/01/2010 - 13:23 | |
Merrill-Palmer Institute: Dr. Michael D. Usdan Records | 1973-1978, bulk 1974-1978 | UR002122 | 10/01/2010 - 14:12 |